À propos de #Dennis Van de Vijver

Dennis is an independent business consultant who helps companies in search of the right strategy, partners and technology solutions to manage their contingent workforce.

His previous background as a corporate purchaser of IT & Contingent Workforce, brought him to the industry of Vendor Management Systems (VMS) & Managed Services Providers (MSP) more than 10 years ago. He held several successful European roles in Product Management, Solution Design, Account Management & Partner Management at one the leading international VMS providers.

En quoi proUnity est-elle la société TIC à la croissance la plus rapide de Belgique ? Numérisation, talent pool important… la human touch en plus

Evolution du paysage VMS, fusions et acquisitions, COVID-19, retombées du prix Deloitte 2020 Fastest Growth Award et projets pour l’avenir… David Muyldermans, CEO de proUnity, nous parle aussi de pénurie de candidats, d’efficacité des coûts et de l’importance de la human touch ! [En savoir plus…]